Henny Nouwen, RN LMT

My choice of careers in life were always driven by the questions “What heals?” and “What makes people feel better?”

I was born in Holland at the tail end of WWII, and my perception of life was overwhelmed by the vision and feelings of depression, conflict, and suffering people.  I chose a caregiving career as a nurse and graduated in 1966 in Leiden, Holland at which time I moved to Hamilton, Ontario in Canada and started working in CCU and ICU.  Three years later I moved to Los Angeles where I worked at Kaiser Hospital on Sunset Boulevard. In the 12 years living in Los Angeles I learned from many teachers, getting my education in Western (cardiovascular nursing, OR, CSU, ICU, CCU, Science of Mind teachings) and Eastern (Healing Touch, chakras balancing, aura seeing and reading, rebirthing breath work) approaches to healing and feeling better.

Perhaps you recognize some of my teachers: Marjory Wilson (aura seeing), Rosalyn Bruyere (aura and chakras interpretation, hands on healing), Bruy Joy (chakra balancing), Dr Lee Gibson PHd (PEAKE, (Perceive, Experience, Acknowledge, Expand)), Richard Moss, Elizabeth Kubler Ross, Steven Levine, Avatar Adi Da Samraj.

In 1975 I discovered the Metaphysical philosophy of Ernest Holmes – “change your thinking change your life”.  I embarked on many years of studying the power of the Mind in healing and changing life circumstances. I graduated in 1981 as a Minister and taught Science of Mind as well as other seminars and workshops, such as healing the mind/body connection, chakras healing, conscious living conscious dying classes for about ten years in the Northwest Seattle WA areas.  As my mind was happy explaining God’s Laws and Powers in terms of Consciousness, Love and Light, my life and Heart Force in the body was being spontaneously infused by a greater Force which I started to relate to as Shakti (Kundalini).

For 5 years an intense spontaneous process took place in my body mind causing energy phenomena such as astral traveling, out of body experiences and an eventual full kundalini blow out. Later I learned that during a visit to Baba Muktananda’s Ashram (in 1980 in Santa Monica), a Blessing Touch with His peacock feather on top of my head had awakened this process in me.  I learned the power of the breath to conduct and stabilize these currents and allow a spontaneous yoga to move my body every morning.  I have become clairsentient and clairvoyant and very sensitive and perceptive in my healing work with others as a result.  My knowledge of the body mind’s Esoteric Anatomy prior to the physical, emotional, and mental fields of the body mind complex was limited to the ascending qualities and experiences of the Kundalini Shakti. Baba Muktananda was a Siddha Guru who Blessed me with the transmission of His Consciousness.  My understanding of how Siddha Gurus Bless through Transmitting their State, Realization, Consciousness and Light has grown through the reception of the Blessing Grace Current from the Siddha Guru Adi Da Samraj. I first felt His Grace Transmission through reading His Book the Method of the Siddhas. I officially became His devotee 1990 in Seattle.

My therapeutic bodywork and hands-on healing touch restores energy conductivity and flow in the physical, emotional and mental energy fields of the body mind complex. I customize the modalities I use to my client’s needs for healing.  I restore mobility, flexibility and balance of structure and muscle tensions, and cause the integration of the many fields in our body mind based on intuitive perception and sensitive touch.  My favorite modalities are Craniosacral Therapy, Trigger Point, Shiatsu, Polarity, Myofascial release, deep tissue, conscious breathing, yoga, stretching (passive, active, resistive), giving instructions for home exercises. Please contact me if you think I can serve your healing process.

Love & Light
